Casting call for all spinners/modders..
A new modrod video is being made, and made fast. It should be released by Oct 11th, 2013. Our vision for this video is different from a typical collaboration. Our intent is to illustrate how PS is no longer confined to its birthplace of Asia. The rise of the internet and youtube has liberated PS to the point that it is now an international phenomenon. Our Facebook data and website analytics confirm this to be true. Not to mention we have shipped products to places we did not even know were places! It's simply astonishing.
Therefore, we recognize you are out there and in very large quantities. This project is your chance to introduce your city/county/country/continent to the rest of the spinning (and non-spinning) world. If you think you might be interested in participating, then here are best suggestions (with a few simple rules) to follow to give you the best chance to be included. In the end, the final selections will be made by the videographer and what ultimately works best for the theme and the special effects he brings to the table.
The Suggestions & Rules
1. Incorporation of modrod Products and Logos
You do not have to be spinning a modrod or modrod product for your video to be selected to be part of the collaboration. We would really appreciate it (for obvious reasons) if you could find a way to make one of the three modrod logos (classic green & yellow logo, "modrod" with umlauts logo, or short "OO" logo) visible in the video. It can be the actual logos, or something as simple as some handwriting on a piece of paper. Whatever you want to do.
2. Cut Off Date:
SURPRISE, there' isn't one!!! This has now officially become an on-going modrod project. That means the only deadline is if you aspire to be in the first video of the series. If you dont make the cut dont worry, becuase we will be making more and more videos as we move along and as we get similar subject matter. Just keep your videos coming and sooner or later you will see them in one or more videos.
And on that note, you can choose to release your videos on YouTube if you want to, or keep them secret and just see when they suddenly appear. Whatever you please.
And just so you know, the first video in the series is actually already in production from videos already released on YouTube. Our videographer is talented enough to "build as we go", meaning that every time something new comes it that is usable (will explain in a minute), then it will be added. That means, in theory, you could wait until the 10th and still have a chance. We don't suggest it. Please get your video in as fast as you can. Once we get enough high quality footage the video will be complete and released in short order. At that time we will begin to compile the next one. It's that simple.
3. Video Quality
For this project video quality is very important. Some effects can only be done in HD. HD is not a rule, but a strong suggestion if you have the means. Also try to keep the camera as still as possible while filming to get the best quality.
4. Settings and Camera Angles
Since we want to not only showcase spinning, but also parts of the world, interesting settings are priceless to this project. If you have a famous setting near you, and you have easy access then use it. Otherwise, just take some time to look around your place in the world. You see the same things everyday so may have to stop and ask yourself "What's the most unique thing in my everyday world/culture that others might like to see?". Could be anything. Be careful not to miss the obvious because you see it everyday. You gotta remember we dont. What seems ordinary to you could actually be extraordinary to us. Look around!
Regarding camera angles, since we want to see both your world AND your spinning we suggest you do short two videos. The first would be a shot of you spinning your mod from a distance. Please get the camera far enough back that we can see the setting you are trying to show us, but NOT your face (more on this later). Our suggestion is to just look natural like the camera is not even there.
Here's a good example. Let's say I lived in Paris, Fance. I would go straight to the Effiel Tower and I would take a buddy with me. I would go to the top of the tower and have my buddy first film from the ground with a wide shot, and then zoom in towards the top to capture me spinning up there (maybe an infinity or something?). Then I would have him join me on top. Once he was there I would perhaps crook my modrod cap to hide my face (pleeeease excuse the blatant branding reference!!!), lean up against something (not the outer railing!!! Be SAFE!!), and then spin away as if it's something I do all the time (and it is, isn't it?! Where don't we spin when the mood or boredom hits? That is the question, and perhaps the ultimate point of the matter.)
Another great thing to do would be to write a phrase on a card or piece of paper (or whatever) in your native language. IMO there is something very cool (and impressive) about seeing foriegn languages in print. You gotta remember, most Americans are not bilingual, but most people in other countries are. If you want to write something cool, and then provide the English translation underneath, that would be awesome.
5. Video Length:
Just to keep it simple, we suggest 20 and 20. That is, 20 seconds on the distance video, and 20 seconds on the close up. Remember, this is not a contest. We DO want to see your best combo, but not if you have to film 72 times to get it. Just do what you can do well. Don't make it too hard. If you can only do a very short combo cleanly and its only 3 seconds, that is perfectly fine. We just want clean and neat above everything else. We also don't want you to kill yourself on a long combo and then get upset we cut it out. At the end of the day you can make your videos as long as you choose, but bear in mind the longer your combo, the greater the chance your favorite part may be left out.
Please, Please DO NOT give us your real names. WE DONT WANT THAT!! Your best known alias/nickname is what we need. That is all. If you use your name or identity we won't use it. We might assign you a name based upon your city/setting, but that's only if your video is a real work of art.
We need your filming location, but NOT your home address. This is important. Very important. Unfortunately there are a lot of crazy people in this world. For that reason we insist that you do not film in front of your house, or any other place near your house where your residence can be identified. This includes interior shots. If there is any evidence in the video that may show where you live, we will not use it. Please don't make us scrap your video because there is a piece of mail on the table, or your personalized skateboard laying by. Make sure to review your setting before you shoot, and then review itbsgain before you send it to us.
7. Anonymity
This is a biggie. We would love a wide angle shot of you spinning, but we DO NOT WANT to see your face close up enough to identify who you are. That means during your distance shot you should either be looking down at your own spinning, or so far away that you can't be recognized. We know that many of you post your face all the time on the Internet on a routine basis. That might not be a smart idea. MThere are a lot of wacky people in this world. Always take reasonable measures to protect you and your family from those kinds of people. Don't make it too easy for the "bad guys".
8. Safety First
Above all other things, we are concerned about your safety, and the safety of others who may see your video. For that reason, we WILL NOT use any video where you put yourself or anyone else in danger. If we allowed that we are sure in short order it would turn into the who could do the riskiest combo competition.Please DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT try to incorporate any form of "risk factor" into your videos, because you will not see it in one of our collabs. Also do not try to skirt this rule (it's a rule!) and do it anyways and then post it on YouTube yourself. To do so (with or without the modrod logos) will mean a ban from participating in any future modrod videos. We recognize the power to influence others by our actions, and the actions of those we endorse, so we choose to be as responsible as we possibly can (as you will see on the video submission form).
9. Submission Form
Whenever you submit a download link for a video and/or photos, please copy this form and fill it out. Without this form completely filled out we will not consider using your material until its complete.
SUBMISSION FORM: The modrod Project
1. What is your pen spinning alias?
2. How many videos are you submitting?
3. What are the links to the videos?
4. What are the filming dates and filming locations of your videos (do not give exact locations unless it's a well know landmark)?
5. How many still photos are you submitting?
6. What are the links to the photos?
7. What are the dates and locations for each photo?
8. Have you already posted these videos where they can already be accessed in a public forum link YouTube?
9. If "YES" then what are the links to all places where they are posted?
10. Do you have a YouTube channel or something similar?
11. Do you currently have any inappropriate content on your channel such as: dangerous activities, drug use or references, overly sexual content, profanity (including vile rap music), racial comments or images?
12. Did you take every precaution to protect your own anonymity, and have you reviewed all of your videos and/or photos to insure they are free from personal information or identifying elements that could be used to find you?
13. Do you agree to grant "perpetual license" to modrod llc to use any of your videos and/or images (in whole or in part) that you have submitted with this form in the upcoming "The modrod Project" series, as well as any other form of future advertising from modrod llc (NOTE: this does not mean you no longer have the right to use your videos/images. You certainly do! It just gives us the same privilege, since not only are you advertising modrod, but we are in turn advertising you as well. It's just simple "give and take". That's all.)?
We hope many will respond because the videographer we are using is extremely talented. He has never done a PS video before but has some new ideas and effects that hopefully will prove to be extraordinary.
Thanks to all.
modrod llc
Additional info
We realize it may not be clear to you where to start. To help you prioritize, let me tell you far and away the #1 most important thing we are needing is awesome HD close up shots of your spinning. We know that to get those shots you may need to be inside with best lighting and best angle and a VERY still camera. Please do this first!! Give us your best spinning in best quality, with a clean and neat background. After that if you want to try other settings then great! We know that some of you just can't film anywhere other than your desk. That is perfectly fine!!! This is especially true if you have to film by yourself and dont have a tripod. Please don't sacrifice quality in order to get a stranger to film you spinning on the subway (even though filming in a crowded subway may be very cool indeed!!) unless you already have an awesome close up and just want to give it a try.
Remember, there are no "rules" when it comes to this project. If you think you have an awesome idea how to show us your world in some extravagant manner, and the means to pull it off then please give it try. On the other hand (no pun intended), you can also "show us a part of your world/culture" by simply putting interesting items in the background of your close up. Some ideas would be your state or country flag, the logo from your local university, items relating to a unique local past-time (like a few darts if you are in England), an open map of your city, an awesome photo of a cool place/landmark in your area (like I could drop in a post card from Graceland since modrod is in Memphis), etc. As a matter of fact, since time is short to make the cut for the first video this might be the smartest and most practical thing to do in the short term. Then you could do something more elaborate for the second video. You make the call.
We also want to say that for these first few videos er are not completely sure exactly what is going to work and what will not For that reason the more you submit to us the better. Feel free to give us as many videos (or as few) as you choose. Please just make sure they are not real long. Also feel free to submit still shots as well. If you have a picture of some super cool urban art (translation: colorful spray paint tagged on a brink wall) but can't get there anytime soon, then just give us the photo, because we may use it. We just don't know, and won't know until we see what we have, and how it all best fits together.
One last thing, as long as spinners continue to submit videos then we can keep compiling things together and keep releasing them. That means that something you submit now we not be used this first time, but may show up in another video at a later date.
Thanks and happy spinning!
A new modrod video is being made, and made fast. It should be released by Oct 11th, 2013. Our vision for this video is different from a typical collaboration. Our intent is to illustrate how PS is no longer confined to its birthplace of Asia. The rise of the internet and youtube has liberated PS to the point that it is now an international phenomenon. Our Facebook data and website analytics confirm this to be true. Not to mention we have shipped products to places we did not even know were places! It's simply astonishing.
Therefore, we recognize you are out there and in very large quantities. This project is your chance to introduce your city/county/country/continent to the rest of the spinning (and non-spinning) world. If you think you might be interested in participating, then here are best suggestions (with a few simple rules) to follow to give you the best chance to be included. In the end, the final selections will be made by the videographer and what ultimately works best for the theme and the special effects he brings to the table.
The Suggestions & Rules
1. Incorporation of modrod Products and Logos
You do not have to be spinning a modrod or modrod product for your video to be selected to be part of the collaboration. We would really appreciate it (for obvious reasons) if you could find a way to make one of the three modrod logos (classic green & yellow logo, "modrod" with umlauts logo, or short "OO" logo) visible in the video. It can be the actual logos, or something as simple as some handwriting on a piece of paper. Whatever you want to do.
2. Cut Off Date:
SURPRISE, there' isn't one!!! This has now officially become an on-going modrod project. That means the only deadline is if you aspire to be in the first video of the series. If you dont make the cut dont worry, becuase we will be making more and more videos as we move along and as we get similar subject matter. Just keep your videos coming and sooner or later you will see them in one or more videos.
And on that note, you can choose to release your videos on YouTube if you want to, or keep them secret and just see when they suddenly appear. Whatever you please.
And just so you know, the first video in the series is actually already in production from videos already released on YouTube. Our videographer is talented enough to "build as we go", meaning that every time something new comes it that is usable (will explain in a minute), then it will be added. That means, in theory, you could wait until the 10th and still have a chance. We don't suggest it. Please get your video in as fast as you can. Once we get enough high quality footage the video will be complete and released in short order. At that time we will begin to compile the next one. It's that simple.
3. Video Quality
For this project video quality is very important. Some effects can only be done in HD. HD is not a rule, but a strong suggestion if you have the means. Also try to keep the camera as still as possible while filming to get the best quality.
4. Settings and Camera Angles
Since we want to not only showcase spinning, but also parts of the world, interesting settings are priceless to this project. If you have a famous setting near you, and you have easy access then use it. Otherwise, just take some time to look around your place in the world. You see the same things everyday so may have to stop and ask yourself "What's the most unique thing in my everyday world/culture that others might like to see?". Could be anything. Be careful not to miss the obvious because you see it everyday. You gotta remember we dont. What seems ordinary to you could actually be extraordinary to us. Look around!
Regarding camera angles, since we want to see both your world AND your spinning we suggest you do short two videos. The first would be a shot of you spinning your mod from a distance. Please get the camera far enough back that we can see the setting you are trying to show us, but NOT your face (more on this later). Our suggestion is to just look natural like the camera is not even there.
Here's a good example. Let's say I lived in Paris, Fance. I would go straight to the Effiel Tower and I would take a buddy with me. I would go to the top of the tower and have my buddy first film from the ground with a wide shot, and then zoom in towards the top to capture me spinning up there (maybe an infinity or something?). Then I would have him join me on top. Once he was there I would perhaps crook my modrod cap to hide my face (pleeeease excuse the blatant branding reference!!!), lean up against something (not the outer railing!!! Be SAFE!!), and then spin away as if it's something I do all the time (and it is, isn't it?! Where don't we spin when the mood or boredom hits? That is the question, and perhaps the ultimate point of the matter.)
Another great thing to do would be to write a phrase on a card or piece of paper (or whatever) in your native language. IMO there is something very cool (and impressive) about seeing foriegn languages in print. You gotta remember, most Americans are not bilingual, but most people in other countries are. If you want to write something cool, and then provide the English translation underneath, that would be awesome.
5. Video Length:
Just to keep it simple, we suggest 20 and 20. That is, 20 seconds on the distance video, and 20 seconds on the close up. Remember, this is not a contest. We DO want to see your best combo, but not if you have to film 72 times to get it. Just do what you can do well. Don't make it too hard. If you can only do a very short combo cleanly and its only 3 seconds, that is perfectly fine. We just want clean and neat above everything else. We also don't want you to kill yourself on a long combo and then get upset we cut it out. At the end of the day you can make your videos as long as you choose, but bear in mind the longer your combo, the greater the chance your favorite part may be left out.
Please, Please DO NOT give us your real names. WE DONT WANT THAT!! Your best known alias/nickname is what we need. That is all. If you use your name or identity we won't use it. We might assign you a name based upon your city/setting, but that's only if your video is a real work of art.
We need your filming location, but NOT your home address. This is important. Very important. Unfortunately there are a lot of crazy people in this world. For that reason we insist that you do not film in front of your house, or any other place near your house where your residence can be identified. This includes interior shots. If there is any evidence in the video that may show where you live, we will not use it. Please don't make us scrap your video because there is a piece of mail on the table, or your personalized skateboard laying by. Make sure to review your setting before you shoot, and then review itbsgain before you send it to us.
7. Anonymity
This is a biggie. We would love a wide angle shot of you spinning, but we DO NOT WANT to see your face close up enough to identify who you are. That means during your distance shot you should either be looking down at your own spinning, or so far away that you can't be recognized. We know that many of you post your face all the time on the Internet on a routine basis. That might not be a smart idea. MThere are a lot of wacky people in this world. Always take reasonable measures to protect you and your family from those kinds of people. Don't make it too easy for the "bad guys".
8. Safety First
Above all other things, we are concerned about your safety, and the safety of others who may see your video. For that reason, we WILL NOT use any video where you put yourself or anyone else in danger. If we allowed that we are sure in short order it would turn into the who could do the riskiest combo competition.Please DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT try to incorporate any form of "risk factor" into your videos, because you will not see it in one of our collabs. Also do not try to skirt this rule (it's a rule!) and do it anyways and then post it on YouTube yourself. To do so (with or without the modrod logos) will mean a ban from participating in any future modrod videos. We recognize the power to influence others by our actions, and the actions of those we endorse, so we choose to be as responsible as we possibly can (as you will see on the video submission form).
9. Submission Form
Whenever you submit a download link for a video and/or photos, please copy this form and fill it out. Without this form completely filled out we will not consider using your material until its complete.
SUBMISSION FORM: The modrod Project
1. What is your pen spinning alias?
2. How many videos are you submitting?
3. What are the links to the videos?
4. What are the filming dates and filming locations of your videos (do not give exact locations unless it's a well know landmark)?
5. How many still photos are you submitting?
6. What are the links to the photos?
7. What are the dates and locations for each photo?
8. Have you already posted these videos where they can already be accessed in a public forum link YouTube?
9. If "YES" then what are the links to all places where they are posted?
10. Do you have a YouTube channel or something similar?
11. Do you currently have any inappropriate content on your channel such as: dangerous activities, drug use or references, overly sexual content, profanity (including vile rap music), racial comments or images?
12. Did you take every precaution to protect your own anonymity, and have you reviewed all of your videos and/or photos to insure they are free from personal information or identifying elements that could be used to find you?
13. Do you agree to grant "perpetual license" to modrod llc to use any of your videos and/or images (in whole or in part) that you have submitted with this form in the upcoming "The modrod Project" series, as well as any other form of future advertising from modrod llc (NOTE: this does not mean you no longer have the right to use your videos/images. You certainly do! It just gives us the same privilege, since not only are you advertising modrod, but we are in turn advertising you as well. It's just simple "give and take". That's all.)?
We hope many will respond because the videographer we are using is extremely talented. He has never done a PS video before but has some new ideas and effects that hopefully will prove to be extraordinary.
Thanks to all.
modrod llc
Additional info
We realize it may not be clear to you where to start. To help you prioritize, let me tell you far and away the #1 most important thing we are needing is awesome HD close up shots of your spinning. We know that to get those shots you may need to be inside with best lighting and best angle and a VERY still camera. Please do this first!! Give us your best spinning in best quality, with a clean and neat background. After that if you want to try other settings then great! We know that some of you just can't film anywhere other than your desk. That is perfectly fine!!! This is especially true if you have to film by yourself and dont have a tripod. Please don't sacrifice quality in order to get a stranger to film you spinning on the subway (even though filming in a crowded subway may be very cool indeed!!) unless you already have an awesome close up and just want to give it a try.
Remember, there are no "rules" when it comes to this project. If you think you have an awesome idea how to show us your world in some extravagant manner, and the means to pull it off then please give it try. On the other hand (no pun intended), you can also "show us a part of your world/culture" by simply putting interesting items in the background of your close up. Some ideas would be your state or country flag, the logo from your local university, items relating to a unique local past-time (like a few darts if you are in England), an open map of your city, an awesome photo of a cool place/landmark in your area (like I could drop in a post card from Graceland since modrod is in Memphis), etc. As a matter of fact, since time is short to make the cut for the first video this might be the smartest and most practical thing to do in the short term. Then you could do something more elaborate for the second video. You make the call.
We also want to say that for these first few videos er are not completely sure exactly what is going to work and what will not For that reason the more you submit to us the better. Feel free to give us as many videos (or as few) as you choose. Please just make sure they are not real long. Also feel free to submit still shots as well. If you have a picture of some super cool urban art (translation: colorful spray paint tagged on a brink wall) but can't get there anytime soon, then just give us the photo, because we may use it. We just don't know, and won't know until we see what we have, and how it all best fits together.
One last thing, as long as spinners continue to submit videos then we can keep compiling things together and keep releasing them. That means that something you submit now we not be used this first time, but may show up in another video at a later date.
Thanks and happy spinning!